Keeping it real

As much as I want to tell you how fabulous my backpacking adventure went this weekend and show tons of pictures, I won’t be.  It had some good moments, but overall it was nothing like I planned.   I don’t even have the desire to go all into the details.  That’s just life sometimes.  It doesn’t always work out as you plan.  It could be it had its own plan and I’m to learn from it.  That’s how I’m digesting it all.  It’s interesting I’ve written just about everything in my life and for some reason  this experience seems to need to be private.  Just between me, nature, and life.  There’s lessons I’m still unwinding I guess.



14 responses to “Keeping it real”

  1. I’m sorry it wasn’t as expected. Life has a tendency to do that doesn’t it? Share what you want to and keep the rest private. Sending hugs 🤗 xx

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  2. Hmmm I’m sad that you did come back as pumped up as you left xox

    Liked by 2 people

    1. **didn’t come back as bumped!!! DIDN’T** LOL Sorry Dwight.

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  3. So sorry to hear it didn’t go as planned. Your thoughts on maybe life has its own path and you’re to learn from it is an amazing way to deal. I likely would have thrown a tantrum. 😬 Take Care Dwight!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yeah, life does that to us sometimes, and it stinks. I’m so sorry to hear that your trip was disappointing. Perhaps you will see more good points as time goes on. Big hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad you made it back safely Dwight ❤ That's the most important part ! ❤ xxx Anne

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  6. gr8ful_collette Avatar

    Life does that. It’s hard when the Big plan conflicts with our expectations. Glad you’re back safe! ❤️

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  7. It may not seem so now, but perhaps there are lessons that need to be slowly absorbed from your adventure. I’m sorry it wasn’t the glory you hoped for, but I’m glad you got to go out, and disconnect from humanity for a bit.

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  8. I hope you will find that peace you wish for us, even if your trip didn’t live up to your expectations.

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  9. Next time will be better or maybe there will be a different sort of a plan. Take care and be well!

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  10. I think it’s a very good thing to take that space. Too often I’ve gone on and on trying to explain a very personal experience only to completely miss the mark and the experience gets muddled in the attempt. Sometimes, it’s just for us.🙏

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  11. oy! i hope someday you do share- sounds like a great purge session! hugs!!xoxox

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  12. Aw man. That friggin’ bites. I had that too with my solo camping trip last fall.

    “It had some good moments, but overall it was nothing like I planned. I don’t even have the desire to go all into the details. That’s just life sometimes. It doesn’t always work out as you plan. It could be it had its own plan and I’m to learn from it. That’s how I’m digesting it all”

    — your words perfectly describe it. Perfectly. Keep writing, I love your blog!!! Hugs and love to you Dwight. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I wish you peace and processing Dwight. I understand…it happens to all of us and it’s not a bad thing at all!

    Liked by 1 person

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