Escaping The Loop

Photo by Edan Cohen on Unsplash

Living the same day over and over.

Year after year.

There is joy, but “something” is off.

I think more of us feel this but are afraid to admit it.


Maybe a lot of nothing happened? Nothing.

The drive slowly faded.

Did we hand over the reins to safety, control, and conformity?

How was it before The Loop?

For me for a short period it was continuous change.

I’ll admit it wasn’t always easy but it came with much freedom.

You’re not alone feeling this way. You’re not weird.

You may just be beyond frickin restless for a change.

They sold us a whole lot of capitalism and boy did we ever BUY IT!

Why didn’t they teach philosophy and minimalism in school?

Many of us never learned of such things growing up.

Unprepared we didn’t stand a chance to take a different road.

For me, I’ll keep searching for The Door.
