My Faded Jeans Living Blog

After being off WordPress for 30 days, let me start off by saying HELLO MY FRIENDS!

I think of my blogging as a way to connect to others, and to give and receive support as I try to make sense of this life and move forward and grow. By sharing my fears and experiences many folks can relate, chime in, and at the point I don’t feel so alone. I don’t do it for money or amount of followers or likes. The folks I follow on WordPress I like to call superheroes. They share things never discussed in most coffee talk conversations and force themselves to look into the eyes of their dragon. That’s what makes me coming back over and over.

I usually take 30 days or so off each year just for the sake of changing up my routine. It helps me look in from the outside and also casts light on new areas I may want to explore. This last week I connected some dots around my blogging. I was a bit out of sorts if you will. A wobble may best describe the feeling. Not totally wiped out by any means, but just the start of that flow. I realized that by not blogging, I was replaying many themes over and over in my head. By writing things out I can explore it up one side and down the other and most importantly release it when I’m done. This discovery made me understand blogging is part of my therapy of being human. If you know me, you know I look at life as a frickin trip good and bad, so yes I need therapy. This wasn’t a tool I realized I was using to cope, but in the last few days it became crystal clear,

Many folks who journal already know this truth that writing down our thoughts and ideas is very therapeutic. Blogging does just that for me with the added bonus of sharing and bouncing all that off others forming connections I need. Letting me know I’m not as crazy Mr.Hyde likes to whisper in my ear.

Keep stretching and growing!

I’m very human and need to blog! I’m curious why do you blog?

Dwight 🦋

29 responses to “My Faded Jeans Living Blog”

  1. Welcome back, Dwight. I’m glad you are over your “wobble.”
    I also blog to help me make sense of and relive my realities, and on top of that, blogging has made me meet some amazing fellow bloggers and learn about other realities I know little of first hand. I find it very enriching.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why thank you, Tanja! I also find the very enriching. Hope you are doing good.😊


  2. I like the social aspect of blogging, and also like having my thought patterns documented to look back on and (hopefully) learn from. With the whole abstaining from alcohol journey it’s SUPER helpful to read stories and get advice from others who have been in the same position.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hey Dwight! Glad to see you back. 💞 I started blogging to make sense of the move from employment to retirement. Now I do it because I love the people I have met here, it is one of the few things I can do while awaiting surgery, and because without work I either had to find something mentally stimulating to do, or wait for my brain to waste away. (Use it or lose it. 🤷‍♀️)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Anne. Great to be back. I love the folks out here too!


  4. I knew that from the onset probably because i wasnt on Fb or any other format at the time. I was very alone in my journey due to a relationship break up a few months earlier and had not gone to any meetings after that to avoid running in to him. WP opened up a whole new world once i discovered i could search for blogs about sobriety ( that took a bit, i am not tech savvy) . Once i found my tribe i was elated and encouraged and always recommended it to others. But on another note, lately it feels bleak and barren on here. Not sure if it’s because i rarely post about sobriety stuff any more or if people are just getting busier since more stuff has been opening up.But i almost never see or hear from 75% of those i interacted with before. Plus in the past few months i have barely gotten any new followers so not sure what happened.So good to hear from you and happy you are doing well!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Lovie. I agree it’s definitely changed as far as the amount of folks coming and going. I miss many of them and often wonder how they are doing. Weird I kinda think of it like my WP Class of 2019😊. At 55 I’m getting more use to change and it just makes me appreciates those that are still here now even more.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey there Dwight, nice that one of your posts is the first thing I see when I log back on here 🙂 Love you, love your raw honesty and your always encouraging support for others xox

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, FG. Right back at you❤️🤗😊.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. How are you doing? What’s new with you?


  6. Hey you!!! Glad you’re back!!!! 😍 🎉 I don’t have many followers but really value who does interact with me here on WP. It’s my little family. ❤️ I reached out so long ago with a personal battle with alcohol and here is where I have found the strength to be where I am today. Nobody really knows the intense struggle I’ve had with it. I was quite good at masking it! Being happy and enjoying the simple things in life have completely changed me and people like you are instrumental in that!!!! 😍😍😍 So thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Jackie. Indeed, many of the superheroes out here have a better “pulse” on me then some of my family and in-person friends. It’s definitely a treasure!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hiya Dwight! Big grin for your return! 🙂 Why do I blog? For a million reasons, but because I love connecting with people, I like the friendships that develop through blogging, I love to learn about people, I enjoy supporting and being supported by my blogging friends and I like to share what I’m going through in case it resonates with someone else so that I can help myself and them. I have found a community here like no other and people like you make it such a delightful experience! Big hugs, happy to see you again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Janie and great hearing from you too! I’m right there with you and community and connections sums it up so we’ll. Big hugs my friend🤗🤗🤗

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  8. I like to connect with people who I probably will never have a chance to meet in person.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Becky. It’s pretty incredible! 😊

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  9. Welcome back, looking forward to seeing your posts again! Blogging helps me crystallise my thoughts and reflect on my journey. It keeps me honest as to where I’m going and how I’m going.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed indeed😊. Thanks so much great to be back!


  10. What everyone else said!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Breaks are good. Welcome back, Dwight!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Welcome back, Dwight. I blog because it’s a better way to have a “mini soapbox” than irritating the heck out of my husband! He would rather I write than talk his ear off… 😉
    I can respect that!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. This is the first of your posts that I’ve read, and I find your writing style and ideas to be very engaging. I began blogging in earnest just a few months ago, mainly out of boredom. I had no idea that anyone would ever read anything I wrote! So it is a lovely surprise when I get a random “like” every now and then. I look forward to reading more of your work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Barb. I grew up in Massena. My mom was born in Brockville, Canada and moved to Morristown. My dad grew up in Hammond. So I find it neat you moved near The River😊

      Dwight Hyde


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