Womens Forest Trail

I changed it up this past weekend and went on a leisurely hike of the Womens Forest Trail in Divide, Colorado. It’s a 5.1 loop with an elevation gain of 324ft. Just a wonderful hike to reconnect with nature.

When I got home I tried to lookup this women’s club and couldn’t find anything on the web. I put out a post on a local Facebook group and Bonnie Fischel did find this Link on the history of the group, but no mention on the specifics of the creation of this area/trail. While reading about the history, I discovered CFCW was established in 1895. I couldn’t agree more with this last paragraph from the link:

The position of women in society has drastically changed since the beginning of the CFWC. Women’s clubs throughout history have served to provide a place for women to establish common goals and reinforce common values. Together they have facilitated the advancement of women in society and continue to preserve that legacy.”

Here in the United States and a few other countries, the month of March is designated Women’s History Month. It highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. In honor of this not only do I want to thank these forward thinking women for allowing future generations to enjoy this spectacular area, but I also have these two women that I want to celebrate as strong role models in my history and society. The spread of love and compassion is just priceless.. You can read about them from my prior blog posts:

What women would you highlight?



14 responses to “Womens Forest Trail”

  1. Great pictures. Thanks for honoring the strong women in your life. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Awesome pictures! I remember reading about your mom and that smile is infectious! Great to read about your sister this morning! You’ve got a great family! Thanks for sharing Dwight!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jackie😊


  3. Ooo! Beautiful!
    My 94 year old mom is amazing!
    So is my sister, my woman friends, my nieces, and many recovery women I meet on-line!
    They teach me perseverance and strength!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Excellent! I bet your mom is indeed amazing 😊. 94 – Rock OnπŸ‘

      Liked by 1 person

  4. gr8ful_collette Avatar

    Thanks for writing this post! Beautiful pictures too! Glad you got to reconnect!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great post my friend and fab photos. I work with some amazing strong women. They each have individual qualities that are beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Too many to list! I always look back at the historical ones ( mother Theresa, Florence Nightingale, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Lousia May Alcott, etc.) but there are so many in the world now as well..ty for this post…and hey, let’s celebrate men as well. I know a lot of times my posts come off as somewhat feministic , but trust me, i LOVE men, and there are a LOT of great ones. GHandi, Ben franklin, Obama, etc…but also the not famous. I know so many extraordinary ones who are everyday heroes !!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh, that is one lovely and amazing trail!
    I would (and should) write a post about my Bestie. She’s survived things that would flat out kill other women (no that’s not hyperbole) and that she trusts me and loves me is one of the greatest gifts I’ve been given. My sister continues to amaze and inspire, and I’m proud of my daughter for the steps she’s taken to be her best. My daughter-in-law who with my son, fosters children, even with a special needs child of their own… The list could be endless.
    Have a great weekend, Dwight!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So happy Liz you have many wonderful women in your life. …as you saw, had a great weekend buying my motorcycle : )


  8. The scenery is beautiful Dwight and I love the post about women! I didn’t know it was Women’s History month. I have had a lot of women in my life whom I’ve looked up to as role models. Too many to mention here, but all significant in my life which is a huge blessing. I am off to read your other posts about your Mom and your sister. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  9. That looks amazing. I visited Colorado about 20 years ago but have not been back since. Maybe I should. I would highlight my mum. When I need a bit of TLC, she’s always here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love out here in Colorado…moved out in 1990. LOVE Mom’s : )

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